Professor Andrzej Górak studied chemistry at the Technical University of Lodz in Poland. He obtained his Ph.D. from the Faculty of Process Engineering in 1979. His thesis treated continuous distillation of multi-component mixtures. He worked at the same faculty as senior researcher until 1988. The following four years he spent as a researcher at Henkel KGaA in Düsseldorf. Having completed his habilitation at RWTH Aachen in 1989, Andrzej Górak became professor at the chair of fluid separation processes at TU Dortmund University in 1992. In 1996 he took over the chair of fluid separation processes at the University of Essen. Four years later, in 2000, he returned to TU Dortmund university to become the head of laboratory of fluid separations, former chair of fluid separation processes. In addition he is prorector research at TU Dortmund University. Apart from this, he has been full professor at the Technical University of Lodz since 2003.
The scientific activities of professor Andrzej Górak are focused on the computer aided simulation and experimental validation of integrated reaction and separation processes, like reactive distillation and reactive absorption as well as on the analysis of hybrid separation processes and the purification of biotechnological products. Professor Górak ist a coeditor of the journal "Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification“. He initiated and coordinated several projects in 5., 6. and 7. Forschungsrahmenprogramm. Professor Górak is reviewer for NMP, NEST and ERC, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, NSF (USA), etc. In 2010 he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon (Verdienstkreuz am Bande) of the Federal Republic of Germany on 29th of June 2010 for his contributions to international understanding between Poland and Germany (an abstract of the laudation can be found here). The magazine mundo portrayed professor Górak in issue 13/10 in an article called "Herr des Verfahrens" ("master of process").
Links to entire curriculum vitae

Research areas
Reactive and non-reactive distillation
- Detailed modelling and simulation of continuous and discontinuous distillation, optimisation of operational mode and design of reactive distillation columns
- Experimental validation of simulation results
- Development of new column internals for reactive distillation
Membrane processes
- Modelling of integrated processes (membranes and distillation columns)
- Experimental research on membrane processes
Reactive liquid/liquid extraction
- Modelling and simulation of reactive extraction processes
Modelling of reactive separation processes using the Stefan-Maxwell approach
- Heat and mass transfer in reactive multicomponent mixtures
Occupation at the chair
Since August 2000, head of the chair of fluid separation processes, now renamed to laboratory of fluid separations.