Peter Kreis
Short Presentation
Peter Kreis studied Chemical Engineering at the Universities of Karlsruhe and Dortmund. In 1999, he graduated in Dortmund with a master thesis entitled “Experimental investigations on the separation performance of membrane-assisted reaction processes for ester synthesis”.
In his Ph.D. he worked on “Process analysis of hybrid separation processes” under supervision of Prof. Górak at the laboratory of fluid Separations of the TU Dortmund University.
From 2004, Peter Kreis has been working as a senior researcher and has been leading the group “membrane assisted and hybrid separations” at the laboratory of fluid separations of TU Dortmund University. His scientific work was focused on membrane separations, (reactive) distillation and hybrid separations, membrane adsorption and downstream processing.
Senior researcher at the laboratory of fluid separations until November 2010 and lecturer of "Membranverfahren und hybride Trennverfahren" since 2012.

Research activities until Nov. 2010
- Membrane separation (Pervaporation, vapour permeation, gas permeation, nanofiltration)
- (Reactive) Distillation & membrane separation
- Membrane adsorption
- Downstream processing
- Experimental investigations and Rate based simulations
- Process analysis and Process Optimisation with generic algorithms
Research projects until Nov. 2010
- F3 Factory - EU
- Organophile Nanofiltration - Chek.NRW
- Graduate Cluster Industrial Biotechnology - CLIB 2021
- Design Methodology for Hybrid Processes - DFG
- SFB Transregio 63 - DFG
- EuroBioRef - EU
Teaching until Nov. 2010
- Dimensionierung thermischer Trennapparate
- Reaktive Trennverfahren