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Fakultät BCI

Substitute Professor

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Schembecker

Gerhard Schembecker received his diploma as well as his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Technische Universität Dortmund in Germany. In 1999 he got the venia legendi for the field of process and plant design based on his habilitation thesis on heuristic numeric process synthesis. The support tool PROSYN for the conceptual design of chemical processes was developed in his research group.

Prof. Schembecker is co-founder of the consultancy firm Process Design Center (PDC) having offices in Dortmund (D), Breda (NL) and San Diego (USA). As President and CEO of PDC he has worked in more than 100 industrial process synthesis projects. He holds several process innovation awards.

In September 2005 Gerhard Schembecker was appointed Professor for Plant and Process Design at the Department of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering of Technische Universität Dortmund. His research interests focus on the conceptual design and simulation of (bio)chemical processes with special interest in innovative downstream processes and on module based plant design.

Gerhard Schembecker has published about 30 reviewed papers and textbook chapters, is co-inventor of 3 patents and member of various scientific organizations and advisory boards. He is speaker of the North Rhine-Westphalian graduate cluster "Industrial Biotechnology".



Schembecker © Schembecker


Department of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering

Laboratory of Plant and Process Design

Office G2-3.21

Emil-Figge-Str. 70

44227 Dortmund




Tel.: +49 (0)231 / 755-2338

Fax: +49 (0)231 / 755-2341


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